PTSP was born out of our Social Worker’s passion for working with people and her embrace of non-directiveness of the person-centered approach, because it acknowledges an individual as an expert of his or her life. ​

A Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan is a plan that has been developed from Dr Carl Rogers’ Person-Centred Approach to therapy and is in line with the Disability Standards Act 2014.​


At the 18 December 2013 meeting of the Standing Council on Disability Reform ministers from all jurisdictions endorsed the revised National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS).​

These standards have a greater focus on person centered approaches and promote choice and control by people with disability. These are considered critical under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.​

At FirstCare we adhere to all six Disability Standards​ which are​

  • RIGHTS ​​

    PTSP is a planning process that focuses on the service user’s individual’s capabilities, positive traits rather than limitations of a service user. ​

    It focuses on the service user as a person and what is most important for him or her.​

    The current support plan has solely focused on the personal behaviours and risks associated with identified behaviours. ​

    The Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan’s main focus is, “Putting a person first and at the centre of his or her life.” ​

    At FirstCare we are vested in your well-being, for this reason we know that the best vintage point for understanding behaviour is from the frame of reference of our service users.​

    Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan adequately puts you as a service user first and at the heart of identifying and understanding the underlying causes of your behaviour because it allows the service user to be understood in how they see themselves and their significant others and the world. Making developing strategies to manage the behaviours of concern easier.​

    Current support plans have solely focused on the personal behaviours and risks associated with identified behaviours. ​
    At FirstCare, we understand that behaviour is a goal-orientated attempt of a service user to satisfy his or her needs. Our PTSP allows you to freely explore your behaviours as you experience and perceive them.​

    At FirstCare we understand that some service user’s behaviour can be driven by symbolised experiences (experiences that are consistent with how you see yourself) and unsymbolised experiences ( needs and experiences you deny, distort or you have not make sense of causing your behaviour.​

    Your PTSP will assist in identifying behaviours that are a result of symbolised and unsymbolised experiences.​

    With the formation of Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan, you are a person and not your behaviour, as it acknowledges that behaviour is motivated by needs that are not satisfied. ​

    For this reason, Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan does not support. ​
    “Behaviour” but support “A person”

    At FirstCare We put a person first and at the centre of his or her life.”

    Viewing a person as a complete whole without singling out some elements of the individual which are part of the holistic being. The PTSP views a person as a complete whole with his or her “ideas, feelings, behaviour, needs, values, experiences and physical attributes.”

    The PTSP acknowledges that communication is not only verbal. Dr Albert Mehrabian conducted several studies on nonverbal communication. He found that 7% of any message is conveyed through words, 38% through certain vocal elements, and 55% through nonverbal elements (facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc.)​

    For this reason, one on one therapeutic sessions will allow the therapeutic support practitioner to observe, listen & communicate non-verbal communication to service users to clarify what has been observed to understand them better.

    Person-Centred Therapeutic Support Plan caters to the rights, participation & inclusion, individual outcomes, of the service users and supports. The service user has a say in identifying his or her needs and how they ought to be met.​

    The PTSP allows the service user’s personal power and allowing their self-determination to participate in compiling their plan and acknowledges the importance of communicating and interacting with the service user.

    At FirstCare we understand that some of our service user’s are incapable in participating in the decision-making process because of a severe disability.

    PTSP will allow inclusion of the service user’s significant others (family members, support workers etc.) to share the needs and experiences of the service users.​

    The service users or their significant others will have the final say on how they want to be supported in managing any areas of concern that they may have.


    PTSP promotes adherence to implementing the PTSP because the person will have ownership of the PTSP. A sense of ownership will be increasing a person’s psychological and emotional functioning and thereby decreasing reliance on supports and be well on the way to independence. Your Individual, social skills will be enhanced thereby increasing your participation in community and social activities.​