The Person-Centred Approach to disability services stemmed from the work of the psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987. PCA was defined as non-directive, as it did not put the therapist in the expert position but acknowledging individuals as being experts of their lives. PCA trusted the inborn tendency of individuals to have actualising tendencies in discovering their individual personal power.
PCA was initially developed as an approach to psychotherapy known as client/person-centred therapy, Rogers and his colleagues came to believe that their ideas could be transferred to other areas where people were in relationships. For example, teaching, management, childcare, patient care, conflict resolution and now it has been transferred to the disability sector.
For more information about how Person-Centred Approach is used in the disability sector please click here.
At FirstCare humility is at the heart of a person-centred service our support team delivers. Our support is a holistic one as it encompasses you as a whole, inclusive of your “needs, relationships, aspirations, supports, future, goals, choices and your plans.